Not very good musicians wanted to play with a not very good bass guitarist
Right, heres the thing, I’m not a particularly good bass player. I’m a 47 year old guy with all the musical tastes 47 years old guys have…classic rock, Elvis Costello, Squeeze, a good dose of Scottish pop, a bit of the blues and absolutely no interest in rap whatsoever!
I’m not looking to play at Wembley or even write lots of new and exciting stuff, but I do fancy getting together with other musicians. If your not particularly good but fancy having a go at a few songs, having a bit of a laugh and generally enjoying playing for its own sake without worrying about making mistakes or feeling they you to know lots of muso stuff, then lets give it a shot.
Practice rooms are cheap and so if you fancy having a go and fall within these age and tastes ranges then please get in touch.